J. Bowman Proper Charitable Trust Grant

The J. Bowman Proper Charitable Trust is dedicated to supporting Forest County through philanthropic efforts. While the specific mission statement is not provided, the trust's activities center around enhancing the community's welfare, indicating a commitment to social improvement within this locale.

Type of Support


The grant program guidelines are focused on supporting projects and programs that:

  • Offer year-round programming
  • Provide direct services to individuals, reflecting the organization's core social mission
  • Address a community need with demonstrated demand
  • Have broad impact or benefit underserved populations
  • Feature measurable outcomes, documentation of results, and long-term sustainability
  • Demonstrate diversified income streams and effective financial accountability
  • Encourage collaboration with other organizations
  • Complement rather than duplicate existing non-profit efforts
  • Are submitted by organizations with at least three years of full service and projects that have completed one year with measurable impact reports available


Organization's Location
dolore laboris
Program Location
velit enim ex
Organization Type
Fugiat incididunt esse officia Lorem elit


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Est aliqua laboris nisi aliqua laboris cillum qui ipsum
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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