Big Spring Area Community Foundation Grants

From Big Spring Area Community Foundation Inc

The Big Spring Area Community Foundation (BSACF) aims to serve Howard County and surrounding counties by enabling those with philanthropic interests to support various agencies or issues important to them, now and through their estates. BSACF facilitates the establishment of charitable funds by individuals, families, and businesses, which then make grants to nonprofit organizations aligning with the donors' charitable objectives.

Type of Support


The grant program of the Big Spring Area Community Foundation focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations and governmental entities that demonstrate a benefit to residents of the Big Spring Area, including Howard County and all contiguous counties. The Foundation's broad goals encompass funding projects within art and culture, health and human services, education, environment, and sports sectors. The program is designed to directly impact the community in these key areas, reflecting the diverse interests and needs of the population it serves.


Organization's Location
Program Location
TX (Borden County, Dawson County, Glasscock County, Howard County, Martin County, Mitchell County, Scurry County, Sterling County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Local governmental entities
  • Limit one application per organization
  • Must submit a report of grant monies expended from previous funding by the Foundation, if applicable, prior to or with the current application


Political campaigns or candidates
Religious institutions/organizations
Requests submitted outside the designated application period
not specified


Review Criteria

The Foundation is open to reviewing any Grant Applications submitted correctly, with a preference for those seeking funding for designated projects or the purchase of capital assets over requests aimed solely at addressing operational budget deficits.

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