Society Awards: Agnes Pockels Award in Lipids and Membrane Biophysics

From Biophysical Society

The mission of the funder is to advance the field of biophysics by supporting research and development in various scientific disciplines such as math, chemistry, physics, engineering, pharmacology, and materials sciences. This support aims to encourage the use of interdisciplinary skills to explore and develop new tools for understanding the mechanisms of life and the complex systems within our bodies.

Type of Support


The grant program, under the Society Awards, seeks to honor members of the Biophysical Society for their excellence in the biophysics field, across sixteen different categories. Specifically, the Agnes Pockels Award in Lipids and Membrane Biophysics is presented to an investigator who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the lipids and membrane biophysics field. Nominees must be society members and are selected through a nomination process that includes the submission of an application and support letters.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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