Strengthening Communities Grants

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BIPI) is dedicated to supporting innovative projects and programs that enhance the knowledge and understanding of diseases and technological advancements. Their commitment is toward advancing scientific awareness and technologies for public health and welfare in various therapeutic areas of interest. They aim to further scientific progress while ensuring that the projects they support maintain independent control over their goals and dissemination of knowledge.

Type of Support


The Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation (BI Cares) focuses on improving patient and animal lives to build healthier communities. With a commitment marked by financial aid and donations of healthcare products, BI Cares emphasizes on enhancing healthcare access, supporting STEM education, and fortifying the human-animal bond, especially for the underserved. Collaboration with local partners helps in launching sustainable initiatives that unite communities, while BI Cares leverages its employees' skills for volunteerism, addressing unmet needs among nonprofits. Since its inception in 2001, BI Cares has contributed over $37 million towards programs that resonate with its objectives.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
Do proident aliquip magna velit elit
  • exercitation voluptate laborum culpa velit dolore eiusmod consectetur nisi
  • qui commodo adipisicing dolor
  • anim occaecat eiusmod fugiat esse
  • qui minim aliquip exercitation ex fugiat
  • exercitation nulla sunt Lorem dolor


Laborum cupidatat eiusmod laborum
not specified


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