Bohemian Foundation: Community Event Fund

The Bohemian Foundation is dedicated to the care and enrichment of the community it serves. It focuses on ensuring that all youth thrive, promoting economic stability and mobility, and cultivating a vibrant, engaged, and connected community. Through various programs, including grantmaking, it aims to support these goals and contribute to the overall well-being of society.

Type of Support


The Community Event Fund by the Bohemian Foundation is designed to support nonprofit organizations in hosting events that foster meaningful connections between the community and local nonprofits. This grant program is responsive and offers nonprofits the chance to apply for funding for a variety of events, including those adapted to virtual formats due to COVID-19. The fund prioritizes events that involve community members in nonprofit programs, encourage philanthropy and volunteerism especially in Fort Collins, showcase organizational successes, and enhance public awareness and understanding of the nonprofit sector. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis but need to be submitted at least 90 days before the event date.


Organization's Location
elit quis
Program Location
incididunt consectetur laborum
Organization Type
Reprehenderit aliquip sint do officia est
  • et eu velit Lorem cupidatat pariatur amet aliqua
  • tempor et esse mollit adipisicing commodo occaecat tempor ullamco est proident eu eiusmod nostrud esse ad qui do magna dolore deserunt occaecat non consequat amet


Ullamco cupidatat
Labore incididunt proident
Incididunt mollit
Ut do
Proident enim
Excepteur non esse
Cupidatat culpa pariatur in qui
Fugiat magna sunt eiusmod
Fugiat pariatur eiusmod sunt elit sint mollit
Veniam dolor incididunt dolore occaecat occaecat nulla eu nulla incididunt ad adipisicing incididunt consequat
up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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