Anna Keesling Ackerman Fund Grants

The mission of this funder is to support a broad range of initiatives and programs across multiple focus areas, reflecting a commitment to enhance community well-being and cultural enrichment. They aim to fund efforts in arts and culture, civic and community initiatives, education, health, and human services, demonstrating a flexible and inclusive approach to philanthropy.

Type of Support


The Ackerman Fund has a distinct application process and timetable separate from El Pomar's competitive grant process. Grant applications are reviewed twice a year, during spring and at the year's end. This program aims to provide grants to nonprofit organizations in the Pikes Peak area, emphasizing those working in specific sectors such as arts and culture, civic and community involvement, education, and health and human services.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CO (El Paso County, Teller County)
Organization Type
Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax status
  • Serving the Pikes Peak region
  • Located in El Paso and Teller counties


Other foundations or nonprofits that distribute money to recipients of its own selection
Organizations that practice discrimination of any kind
Organizations that do not have fiscal responsibility for the proposed project
Organizations that do not have an active 501(c)(3) nonprofit IRS determination letter
Camps, camp programs, or other seasonal activities
Religious organizations for support of religious programs
Those seeking funds to cover deficits or debt elimination
Those seeking funds for travel, conferences, conventions, group meetings, or seminars
Organizations aiming to influence legislation or support candidates for political office
Projects intended to produce videos or other media
Research projects or studies
Primary or secondary schools (K-12), though nonpublicly funded secondary schools may be considered for capital requests on a limited basis
Applicants funded previously must wait three years to be considered again
Applicants declined must wait one year to be considered again.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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