Bowker Foundation Grant

    From Bowker Foundation Trust Nect

    The Bowker Foundation aims to promote the education, health, welfare, and rehabilitation of young women in the State of Indiana, focusing particularly on Fort Wayne and Allen County.

    Type of Support


    The Bowker Foundation Grant supports initiatives within the realms of education, health, and human services, with a geographic focus on Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. This program seeks to provide assistance through grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000, with an average of 6 grants distributed annually, summing up to an average total giving of $75,000 per year. The broad goals are to foster the development and rehabilitation of young women within the specified locations, ensuring they have access to necessary resources for their well-being.


    Organization's Location
    commodo consectetur
    Program Location
    sint duis aliquip anim cupidatat laborum ut magna consequat
    Organization Type
    Cupidatat exercitation ex id tempor consectetur
    • ullamco Lorem est sunt aliqua ex cupidatat reprehenderit aliqua labore dolor commodo ipsum aute Lorem ipsum labore pariatur adipisicing deserunt
    5k – 30k


    Review Criteria

    quis excepteur enim dolore consequat fugiat irure id irure et do velit deserunt ex ipsum in cupidatat occaecat ipsum commodo quis aliqua aliquip enim excepteur labore mollit ad est Lorem esse ex veniam tempor

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