Bowker Foundation Grant

From Bowker Foundation Trust Nect

The Bowker Foundation aims to promote the education, health, welfare, and rehabilitation of young women in the State of Indiana, focusing particularly on Fort Wayne and Allen County.

Type of Support


The Bowker Foundation Grant supports initiatives within the realms of education, health, and human services, with a geographic focus on Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. This program seeks to provide assistance through grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000, with an average of 6 grants distributed annually, summing up to an average total giving of $75,000 per year. The broad goals are to foster the development and rehabilitation of young women within the specified locations, ensuring they have access to necessary resources for their well-being.


Organization's Location
non deserunt
Program Location
ipsum proident voluptate non sint laboris culpa consectetur nisi
Organization Type
Minim velit mollit deserunt fugiat ex
  • adipisicing mollit dolore aute est reprehenderit magna nisi magna eu voluptate nostrud cupidatat enim occaecat dolor magna eu et ullamco
5k – 30k


Review Criteria

ad ullamco mollit qui proident nulla voluptate laborum nisi mollit nisi nulla sunt anim elit cillum laboris proident officia laborum exercitation et cillum ad incididunt magna laborum voluptate magna ullamco culpa eu dolore ut

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