Burlington Capital Foundation Grant

From Burlington Capital

The Burlington Capital Foundation aims to leverage its parent company's investment strategy towards supporting organizations that bring transformative benefits to individuals and communities. Their focus lies in the fields of Military/Veteran services, Senior Community support, Education, and the Arts, primarily benefitting Nebraska and Iowa, although national projects may be considered if they impact these areas. Additionally, there's an emphasis on aiding the communities of Burlington Capital employees nationwide.

Type of Support


The grant program administered by the Burlington Capital Foundation is designed with broad goals to support projects with a significant and positive impact in several key areas: support for the Military/Veteran community, Senior Community assistance, Educational initiatives, and the Arts. While the foundation predominantly targets Nebraska and Iowa for its philanthropy, it remains open to national initiatives that have a direct effect on these states. A unique aspect of this program is its encouragement for applications from Burlington Capital employees, regardless of their location, underlining a commitment to fostering improvement in communities connected to their staff. The foundation's grant review committee meets quarterly, with deadlines for grant applications set a week before each meeting, highlighting a structured yet flexible approach to grantmaking.


Organization's Location
labore in
Program Location
irure et
Organization Type
Nisi proident amet esse tempor ullamco
  • ullamco aute occaecat irure
  • non sunt tempor reprehenderit
  • ullamco nisi duis aliqua duis est cillum reprehenderit Lorem dolore non


Duis ea culpa occaecat deserunt dolore est amet ut excepteur nisi
Pariatur deserunt minim qui ad culpa amet sunt amet nostrud qui sunt
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Mollit proident pariatur mollit id commodo ad
up to 140k


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