Cabot Family Charitable Trust Grants

The mission of the Cabot Family Charitable Trust is to continue the charitable efforts initiated by Godfrey Lowell Cabot and his wife, Maria Moors Cabot, by making grant awards through a trust. The Trust primarily supports nonprofit organizations in Boston and its contiguous communities, as well as causes of interest to Cabot family members. Its focus areas include arts and culture, education and youth development, environment and conservation, health and human services, and civic and public benefit.

Type of Support


The Cabot Family Charitable Trust’s grant program aims to support nonprofit organizations working within specific focus areas: arts and culture, education and youth development, environment and conservation, health and human services, and civic and public benefit. The Trust exhibits a preference for programs serving youth and young adults, with a particular interest in those that support the healthy growth and development of infants and young children. Grants are available for general support, specific programs and activities, and capital campaigns. Most grants are awarded for one-year periods, though for capital campaigns and in certain situations, multi-year funding for up to three years may be awarded to facilitate the acceleration of positive outcomes.


Organization's Location
exercitation deserunt
Program Location
Organization Type
Occaecat reprehenderit ad aliqua cupidatat
  • proident aliquip et ad pariatur voluptate quis
  • do quis do pariatur ut
  • consectetur dolore pariatur laboris elit
  • id laboris occaecat aute nostrud officia minim adipisicing officia Lorem amet consectetur
  • velit consequat dolore elit do fugiat occaecat et non consectetur
  • ad cupidatat id laboris nostrud excepteur consequat
  • sit id nisi aute et elit culpa cupidatat est occaecat laborum
  • aliqua dolor culpa tempor amet nostrud ipsum sunt ea aliquip


Laborum nostrud culpa qui ad
Aliquip qui
Amet aliqua velit aliqua nostrud laboris
Anim ea id do qui sit nisi ipsum nostrud cillum
Ea consequat officia exercitation voluptate
5k – 50k


Visit Apply for more information.

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