Amelia Peabody Foundation Grant

The Amelia Peabody Foundation aims to increase the number and quality of learning experiences for materially disadvantaged young people in Massachusetts cities and towns, working towards common goals with organizations sharing this mission.

Type of Support


The grant focuses on enhancing the mission of organizations that improve experiences for young people through various projects. These include new and existing programs, operations, capital acquisitions, renovation, repair, and equipment purchase. Supported program types range from educational enrichment to facility improvements, targeting organizations like youth centers, charter schools, and Boys & Girls Clubs. Leadership quality within applicant organizations is a key consideration.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Projects and programs must be carried out in Massachusetts
  • The IRS 501(c)(3) documentation address for the applicant must be in Massachusetts
  • Most grants are for one year, but capital grants can last up to three years


Organizations planning to use funds for promotional videos
Organizations seeking funds for endowments
Entities seeking funds for independent research
Groups looking for seed money
Organizations intending to spend on advertisements
Entities aiming for sponsorships
Groups organizing fundraising events
Organizations planning to use funds for lobbying.
not specified


Review Criteria

The Board has a keen interest in grants that support projects beyond the Boston area, especially those that aim to extend proven programs to regions outside of Boston. Additionally, there's a strong preference for grants that enable organizations to secure further funding. Priority is given to organizations that hire individuals from the communities they assist.

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