Forest Foundation Regional Grant

From Forest Foundation

Forest Foundation aims to support new, small, and emerging non-profits focusing on under-resourced youth and families, leadership development of undergraduate students in the non-profit sector, and innovative leaders and their initiatives in New England and New York State. Since 1993, it has expanded its mission to include support for summer non-profit internships in Greater Boston, venture grants to young leaders, and regional grants to new social service agencies.

Type of Support


The Forest Foundation grants are aimed at new and emerging non-profits in Greater Boston, Massachusetts. These grants mainly support small social service agencies working with under-resourced communities, particularly focusing on youth and families. The grant amounts typically range from $2,000 to $8,000. The Foundation has an invitation-only policy for grant proposals, although it welcomes initial inquiries or descriptions of programs via letters or emails.


Organization's Location
occaecat labore
Program Location
deserunt consequat ea irure eiusmod veniam ea ipsum et eiusmod
Organization Type
Veniam dolor officia ad dolor tempor
Nulla in duis ullamco nulla Lorem
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • veniam adipisicing in esse labore quis
  • qui sunt non ullamco excepteur laboris cupidatat ex magna esse
  • proident adipisicing reprehenderit in esse aliquip deserunt sint officia ullamco eu ex
  • ipsum nisi amet officia exercitation excepteur sit laboris magna esse ad voluptate
  • officia aute amet aliquip nulla commodo mollit laborum do nostrud
  • esse proident laborum nisi sit ut in
  • reprehenderit sint adipisicing culpa excepteur nulla officia occaecat cupidatat occaecat duis enim


Eu anim Lorem eu ad
Occaecat irure id ea sunt
2k – 8k


Review Criteria

tempor duis veniam reprehenderit duis sint ex amet enim non ut esse aliqua ex laborum laborum culpa eiusmod duis commodo ipsum ex non ad labore

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