Arts & Cultural Organizations General Operating Support

From California Arts Council

Established by the State of California in 1976, the California Arts Council is a state agency with a mission of strengthening arts, culture, and creative expression as the tools to cultivate a better California for all.

Type of Support


The Arts & Cultural Organizations General Operating Support grant program aims to provide direct funding to arts and cultural organizations within California for their ongoing operations, ensuring the sustainability of a diverse and vibrant arts workforce. This grant facilitates the coverage of general operational expenses, such as rent, utilities, and staff salaries, rather than funding specific projects, enabling organizations to better focus on fulfilling their missions. Importantly, receiving this grant does not preclude organizations from applying for additional project-based grants from the California Arts Council (CAC).


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
501(c)(3) organization as applicant or fiscal sponsor
Non-governmental applicant organizations
Local government
An arts-based unit of municipal or county government
Or a tribal government
Artist collectives using a fiscal sponsor
Guilds using a fiscal sponsor
501(c)(6) organizations using a fiscal sponsor
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 1.5M
  • Must be California-based
  • No matching funds required for organizations with operating budgets less than $60,000 per year
  • 1:1 match required for organizations with budgets of $60,000 or more per year
  • Must provide documentation of being a California-based nonprofit arts/cultural organization; an arts-based unit of municipal or county government; a tribal government, or nonprofit social service organization with regular ongoing arts programming and/or services
  • Applicants must have a minimum two-year history of consistent engagement in arts programming and/or services
  • Nonprofit organizations and fiscal sponsors must have “active status” with the California Secretary of State showing evidence of “good standing”
  • Organizations with total revenue above $250,000 can't request CAC grants exceeding 50% of their most recently completed fiscal year's total revenue, excluding Administering Organization grants applications


Organizations involved in CAC’s specific grant programs
Organizations not based in California
Public and private colleges and universities
K-12 school districts
County Offices of Education
Social services or non-arts/cultural nonprofits
Organizations with TR over $1,500,000 in last fiscal year
For-profit businesses and individuals using a fiscal sponsor
State agencies
Federal agencies
Non-arts organizations not involved in arts activities
For-profit organizations
Nonprofit organizations not in good standing with California Secretary of State
Non-compliant former CAC grantees
Costs outside grant period
Expenses that replace state funding
Operational costs of academic institutions
Fundraising activities
Lobbying activities
Programs for private or restricted use
Projects with religious purposes
Trusts, endowment funds, or investments
Construction or capital expenditures
Equipment purchases
Debt repayment
Hospitality, meals, food
Out-of-state travel
up to 30k


Review Criteria

This initiative maintains its dedication to assist entities that have reported a total income of $250,000 or less in the most recent financial year, expecting to allocate at least 55% of its program funding to groups within this financial bracket.