Impact Projects Grants

From California Arts Council

Established by the State of California in 1976, the California Arts Council is a state agency with a mission of strengthening arts, culture, and creative expression as the tools to cultivate a better California for all.

Type of Support


The Impact Projects grant program is designed to support collaborations that prioritize local artists and cultural expressions unique or historically rooted in under-resourced communities in California. It aims at addressing social, political, and economic inequalities through artist-led projects that involve community members in developing and expressing their creative and artistic goals. The grant supports projects addressing a variety of social issues including systemic marginalization, incarceration, access to education, and health disparities, among others. It encourages applications from groups previously engaged in project-based programs like Reentry Through the Arts and Veterans in the Arts, and informs those focused on youth arts education to consider other specific grants. All projects must be collaborative, free to community participants, accessible, include appropriate compensation for artists, and ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Fiscal sponsors with IRS 501(c)(3) status
Organizations using a fiscal sponsor
  • Located in California, with documentation of a principal place of business in California
  • A minimum of two years of consistent engagement in arts programming and/or services
  • Must have "active status" and be in "good standing" with the California Secretary of State
  • For organizations with total revenue above $250,000, funding requests for CAC grants cannot exceed 50% of the total revenue from the most recently completed fiscal year


State agencies
Federal agencies
Non-arts organizations not involved in arts activities
For-profit organizations
Nonprofit organizations not in “good standing” with California Secretary of State
Former grantee organizations not in compliance with CAC grant requirements
Expenses incurred before the start date or after the ending date of the Grant Activity Period
Expenses that would supplant other state funding
Operational, administrative, or indirect costs of schools, colleges, or universities
Fundraising activities or services
Lobbying activities to influence government actions or legislation
Programs or services for private use or restricted membership
Projects with religious purposes
Trusts, endowment funds, or investments
Construction projects or capital expenditures
Equipment purchases
Debt repayment
Hospitality expenses, meals, or food
Out-of-state travel.
up to 25k


Visit Apply for more information.