OC-CNPS: The Horticultural Grant

From California Native Plant Society: Orange County Chapter

The mission of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is to conserve California native plants and their natural habitats, and increase understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants.

Type of Support


The Horticultural Grant supports public projects aimed at educating and inspiring the community about California native plant landscapes. This includes funding for new or existing public native plant gardens, experimental gardens, rehabilitation of public gardens to include native plants, interpretive signage, horticultural growing costs, instructional materials on native plant gardening, and support for native plant or seed giveaways at outreach events. Up to $500 may be awarded annually to cover materials and supplies, with applications accepted on a rolling basis depending on available funds.


Organization's Location
nostrud sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 500


Visit Apply for more information.