Central Carolina Community Foundation aims to make the Midlands more connected, vibrant, compassionate, and engaged. It strives for a livable, equitable, and just community where people can live, work, play, and raise a family. The Foundation inspires organizations to engage and invest in the community, building on its existing assets.
The Connected Communities grant program seeks to enhance the quality of life and community satisfaction in the Midlands by funding innovative nonprofit projects that promote connectivity and engagement among residents. Projects funded under this grant should offer increased access to essential community elements such as safe living and working environments, healthcare, quality jobs, affordable housing, recreational areas, and cultural events. The grants prioritize ideas that bolster community connections, introduce novel approaches to community vibrancy, increase public awareness of the Midlands, involve community participation, and promote regional philanthropy. These are challenge grants, requiring recipients to secure additional funding beyond the initial award, fostering a deeper investment in project success and community impact.
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