Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation- Unrestricted Funds

From Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation

The Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation aims to enhance the region for all its inhabitants. By distributing a wide range of grants, they seek to empower organizations passionate about making a significant impact in various fields that contribute to the overall betterment of the community.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation is designed to support organizations that are committed to improving the Central Pennsylvania region across several domains. With a competitive grants process that invites project proposals annually, the program focuses on:

  • Promoting scientific research to advance knowledge.
  • Supporting arts, music, and culture in all its forms.
  • Providing scholarships and educational assistance to deserving individuals.
  • Improving living and working conditions for the health and welfare of the community.
  • Offering facilities for public recreation.
  • Assisting in the delivery of medical services.

Each of these areas is critical to the Foundation's goal of enhancing the quality of life and conditions in their region, indicating a comprehensive approach to community development and support.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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