Walter J. Miller Trust Grant

    From Walter J. Miller Trust

    The Walter J. Miller Trust aims to provide grants to non-profit organizations in support of various charitable causes, including education, health services, religious organizations, social welfare programs, the environment, and areas within the arts, culture, and humanities, in honor of the memory of Mr. Miller's sisters, Ann C. Miller and May C. Miller, ensuring Walter J. Miller’s generosity impacts those in need for years to come.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on broad support across multiple areas of charitable cause within the state of Pennsylvania. These include support for arts, culture, and humanities; education; environment and animals; health; human services; public and society benefit; and religion. The guiding principles of the grant are to foster a wide range of philanthropic efforts to improve the quality of life for residents within the state, adhering to the diverse interests and legacy of Walter J. Miller and his family.


    Organization's Location
    duis tempor
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    Organization Type
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    Non eu et ad velit laborum
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    2K – 15K


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