Harold D. Jones for Charities Grant

From Harold D. Jones Trust for Charities

The Harold D. Jones Trust for Charities aims to support charitable projects and programs that serve the Crawford County (Titusville area), PA. While the detailed mission statement of the funder is not provided, the trust focuses on enhancing the community's wellbeing through various charitable endeavors.

Type of Support


The grant program guided by the Harold D. Jones Trust for Charities emphasizes several key areas for support:

  • Encourages year-round programming that has a direct and measurable impact on the community.
  • Focuses on providing direct services to individuals, reflecting the core social mission of an applying organization.
  • Aims to address community needs with demonstrated demand, especially those that benefit underserved populations.
  • Seeks projects with broad impact, measurable outcomes, documented results, and potential for long-term sustainability.
  • Prefers organizations that demonstrate financial accountability through diversified income streams.
  • Values collaborative efforts with other organizations to enhance efficiency and avoid duplicating services.
  • Requires applying organizations to have at least three years of operational experience in serving others and at least one completed year of the project or program with a report on its measurable impact.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.

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