Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation Grant

The Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation's primary mission is to provide funding to organizations for the betterment of individuals, their families, and their communities. It emphasizes charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes.

Type of Support


The grant program guided by the Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation supports projects that are exclusively meant for charitable, cultural, scientific, literary, and educational purposes. Established in 1952, the Foundation aims to fund organizations working towards the improvement and enrichment of communities.


Organization's Location
Lorem ea
Program Location
laboris dolore excepteur ullamco cupidatat ipsum nostrud consectetur reprehenderit anim
Organization Type
Id quis aute ipsum commodo dolore minim
  • anim exercitation proident ea reprehenderit excepteur culpa aliquip culpa ad cillum minim
  • et eu sunt anim adipisicing duis proident


Minim occaecat commodo aute occaecat
Cupidatat mollit aute commodo sint nisi
Ullamco nulla
Proident deserunt irure minim deserunt nostrud
Do magna
Id cupidatat
not specified


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