Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation- Discretionary Grants

From Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation

The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, established through the assets provided by Henry Dolfinger and J. Edward McMahon and furthered by their descendants, aims to benefit charitable purposes and memorialize the Dolfinger and McMahon names. The foundation’s establishment was driven by the enthusiasm of Caroline D. McMahon and Mary M. McMahon towards creating a lasting entity focused on supporting various philanthropic endeavors.

Type of Support


The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation awards discretionary grants primarily aimed at supporting projects or emergencies that align with their charitable goals. These grants are intended for initiatives that can be significantly advanced or completed with a single grant within a short timeframe, accepting new proposals once annually. Additionally, the foundation provides emergency grants to agencies facing urgent needs that threaten their existence or the continuation of specific programs. However, these emergency grants are rare and receiving one disqualifies the agency from further funding for three years. This approach ensures focused support for initiatives with immediate impact or those in critical need, reflecting the foundation's commitment to effective and timely charitable assistance.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Philadelphia County)
Organization Type
Organizations named as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3)


Projects beyond the Greater Philadelphia area
Ordinary operating expenses
Creation of or additions to endowment
Medical or scientific research
Construction, renovation or acquisition of physical facilities
Projects requiring Foundation grants beyond three years or not self-supporting thereafter
Yearly repeat applicants
Individuals for scholarship or research
Special interest advocacy (legislative lobbying, focused litigation, solicitation of governmental agencies).
up to 50k


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