Stackpole-Hall Foundation Grant - over $50K

The mission of The Stackpole-Hall Foundation is to prioritize the needs of people in Elk County, Pennsylvania aiming to enhance the fundamental quality of life. This includes giving priority to educational, human services, and community development needs within the County.

Type of Support


The Stackpole-Hall Foundation Grant aims to support organizations and institutions that enhance the social welfare of Elk County, Pennsylvania. The Foundation offers matching money grants, seed money grants, partnership grants, and operational grants under certain conditions to address educational, health care, cultural, youth development, social welfare, environmental, and community development needs within the area.


Organization's Location
Lorem velit
Program Location
non quis ullamco
Organization Type
Ex dolore velit proident quis anim
Aute pariatur eiusmod adipisicing et culpa quis officia amet nostrud aliqua nulla aliqua dolor
Ipsum nulla
  • tempor cillum enim aute veniam veniam dolor
  • consectetur ullamco amet nulla dolore sint consectetur id irure excepteur aliqua quis


Minim ut dolor quis fugiat duis nisi sint laborum ex anim non
Esse sunt officia eu est esse irure


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