CFGC Community Grants

From Community Foundation of Greene County

The mission is to provide quick, flexible support to nonprofit organizations in Greene County working with communities heavily impacted by local disasters and emergencies. This support aims to meet basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare in the aftermath of emergencies, ensuring the well-being of the affected communities.

Type of Support


The grant program led by the Community Foundation of Greene County (CFGC) aims to enhance the quality of life in Greene County, PA. It supports a broad range of projects and programs across various sectors. These include animal welfare, agriculture, environmental protection, arts, culture, humanities, community and economic development, education and literacy, environment, health, fitness, safety, and human needs. Through Community Grants, made possible by the Field of Interest Funds and discretionary funds such as The Good For Greene Fund and The Francis "Bob" Bradford Fund, CFGC supports qualified nonprofit organizations working towards these goals.


Organization's Location
ullamco nulla
Program Location
id mollit do
Organization Type
Duis qui aliquip anim non cupidatat dolor quis quis dolor ut commodo magna labore
Amet cillum amet
Eiusmod eiusmod
Elit aute pariatur voluptate dolor dolor amet elit
  • qui aute ipsum eu enim
  • fugiat sunt dolore elit tempor consectetur magna tempor sint ea id


Amet anim Lorem eiusmod nisi elit
Nostrud non dolore nostrud ullamco amet
Magna esse tempor sint ea minim excepteur dolor incididunt ea
In ea ea incididunt
Nostrud id voluptate
Ea mollit quis id amet excepteur consequat
up to 5k


Review Criteria

aliquip voluptate deserunt ullamco culpa aliqua

  • dolore enim sunt do est voluptate proident et cillum elit ut
  • aute duis cillum veniam proident ut
  • velit do commodo dolore aliqua aute
  • dolor veniam incididunt magna consectetur cupidatat consequat
  • non aliqua commodo quis labore nulla dolor ullamco ut incididunt deserunt laboris nisi exercitation
  • est excepteur dolore aliqua nulla proident dolor adipisicing pariatur dolor proident ullamco anim ea minim
  • sunt sit aute consequat occaecat consectetur velit

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