DCNR Peer Grant

From Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR)

The mission of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is to conserve and sustain Pennsylvania’s natural resources for present and future generations’ use and enjoyment. As Pennsylvania’s leader and chief advocate for conservation and outdoor recreation, DCNR aims to inspire citizens to value their natural resources, engage in conservation practices, and experience the outdoors.

Type of Support


The grant programs offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) focus on advancing statewide or regional recreation, conservation, or heritage projects through partnership projects and local capacity building. Partnership projects aim to convene, educate, or train partners, build capacity, undertake special purpose studies or implementation projects, or offer mini-grants to grassroots partner organizations, thereby enhancing local, county, regional, and statewide ability to develop and manage natural, recreational, or heritage resources. Specifically, the Local Capacity Building Projects support municipalities, counties, and other eligible applicants in developing and managing recreation, park facilities, and conserving natural resources. The Peer Grant Program aims at increasing local capacity for recreation, parks, and conservation by funding projects focused on specific needs such as forming new intergovernmental recreation and park agencies, improving management of facilities, conducting reviews for green principles, and offering board training and development.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Non-profit entities on a case by case basis
  • Must provide at least a ten percent (10%) local cash match
  • Involvement of contracted/professional services, in-house professional services, volunteer services, donated professional services, and other project cash costs and donations are part of eligible activities and costs
  • Eligible costs include advertisements, meeting room rentals, map reproduction, printing, postage, travel, meals, and lodging
  • The value of equipment use must be documented, and for municipalities, cash reimbursement for equipment use requires written justification and approval
  • Costs related to an independent project audit may be eligible post-grant agreement period
  • Administrative costs are capped at 5% of the grant amount, with specific allowable costs including legal counsel, accounting, and bookkeeping
  • Meeting and conference costs related to the completion of the scope of work are allowable


Applicants proposing non-cash match for Peer-to-Peer Projects
Applicants with costs related to the preparation of the grant application
Applicants with projects located outside of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Applicants with costs of conducting fundraising activities
Applicants with costs for lobbying activities
Applicants with costs of food, drink, gifts, or other hospitality items not related to overnight travel expenses
Applicants with costs determined by the Bureau to be in violation of the Grant Terms and Conditions
Applicants using match (cash, non-cash, or land donation) that has already been counted as match for another project/grant.
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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