Manufacturing PA Training-to-Career Grant program

From Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development

To encourage the shared prosperity of all Pennsylvanians by supporting good stewardship and sustainable development initiatives across our commonwealth.

Type of Support


The Manufacturing PA Training-to-Career Grant program, aligning with Governor Wolf’s Jobs that Pay Initiative, supports Pennsylvania’s manufacturing sector by funding projects that offer short-term work-readiness, entry-level job placement, or industry advancement. Unlike existing programs, this grant is for companies to identify and train skilled workers for current or upcoming positions, engage youth or those with employment barriers in manufacturing career opportunities, and increase the capacity of local or regional manufacturers. Grant funds may cover professional services, internships, equipment, modifications, development, marketing, domestic travel, and personnel costs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Pennsylvania Technical Schools
Trade Schools
Community Colleges
School Districts
Post-secondary Academic Institutions
Non-profit organizations (Workforce Development Boards, Manufacturing Associations, and Economic Development Organizations)
  • Partners with manufacturing companies to deploy training programs
  • Aims to meet local or regional needs
  • Collaborates with two or more local manufacturers to identify and teach essential skills
  • Training programs should lead to successful employment for participants
  • Funding tiers for awareness programs: Award 1 up to $200,000 for new program development; Award 2 up to $100,000 for expansion of existing, previously funded programs; Award 3 up to $50,000
  • Funding dependent on the Commonwealth's annual budget constraints and recommendations


Costs unrelated to an approved proposal, including indirect expenses and professional services
Lobbying services, fines, or reparations from lawsuits, citations, or regulatory actions
Out-of-state and foreign travel
Costs incurred outside of the activity period
Expenses deemed ineligible by DCED
not specified


Review Criteria

While matching funds are not mandatory, submissions that feature matching funds, including both cash and in-kind contributions, will receive preferential consideration.

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