Albert M. Greenfield Foundation Grant

The Albert M. Greenfield Foundation, established in 1953 by Albert M. Greenfield, is driven by the ideals of service, the dignity of mankind, and the preservation of individual and civil liberties. Its broad purpose encompasses support in the areas of arts and culture, economics, education, government, science, and religion. With a primary focus on Philadelphia, it aims to strengthen community life, improve the human condition based on tolerance, dignity, and social justice, and encourage creative thinking to meet unmet needs and adapt to changing social conditions.

Type of Support


The Albert M. Greenfield Foundation Grant program is dedicated to strengthening the fabric of community life in Philadelphia by supporting nonprofit organizations that demonstrate a strong track record, have a strategic plan approved by their Board, and showcase exceptional volunteer and staff leadership. The Foundation gives priority to innovative projects that address entrenched or emerging problems, fill unmet needs, and have the potential for national impact or serve as models. Focused on collaborative grant-making, the Foundation partners closely with grantees to launch and monitor new initiatives, taking prudent risks to support innovative solutions aimed at improving community life.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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not specified


Review Criteria

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