Colcom Foundation Grant: Local Environment & Community

    Colcom Foundation is rooted in a philanthropic tradition that emphasizes support for causes not necessarily popular in current culture, with a history of backing women’s reproductive freedoms. It continues to champion ecologically sustainable immigration policy, physician aid-in-dying, and individual autonomy at life's end. The Foundation's mission focuses on addressing the impacts of human population growth on the environment, advocating for family planning, and promoting sustainable immigration policies to decrease the ecological footprint.

    Type of Support


    Colcom Foundation's grant program aims to support projects that align with the Foundation’s broad goals of environmental conservation, community enrichment, and quality of life improvement in southwestern Pennsylvania. Specific causes supported include land conservation, education and media related to conservation, research, stewardship, trail development, waste cleanup and diversion, and youth initiatives. In the local community, the Foundation funds projects related to arts and culture, community and economic development, education, health and human services, and leisure and recreation.


    Organization's Location
    voluptate mollit
    Program Location
    proident do reprehenderit eiusmod qui culpa laboris cupidatat consequat reprehenderit
    Organization Type
    • fugiat nisi occaecat deserunt ad labore anim dolor laborum quis tempor qui laboris Lorem esse sit tempor cillum occaecat nulla ipsum ullamco ipsum aliqua ut
    not specified


    Step 1: cupidatat excepteur Lorem
    Application deadline
    Mar 14, 2025
    Step 2: voluptate voluptate (magna irure)

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