Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Grant Program

From Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development

To encourage the shared prosperity of all Pennsylvanians by supporting good stewardship and sustainable development initiatives across our commonwealth.

Type of Support


The grant program primarily focuses on improving water and wastewater management systems through financial assistance. This includes both low-interest loans and grants for the development or enhancement of public or private drinking water, storm water, or sewage treatment facilities, alongside supporting non-point source pollution prevention. PENNVEST's funding extends to remediate brownfields sites and aid homeowners needing repairs or connections to sewer systems. The Advance Funding Program offers loans for design and engineering phases necessary for water and wastewater improvement. Projects may receive up to $11,000,000, but those benefiting multiple municipalities may get up to $20,000,000, with provisions for larger loans for comprehensive projects serving large regions. Storm water projects have a funding cap based on the population served, with a maximum of $10,000,000.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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