PDCED: Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Program

From Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development

To encourage the shared prosperity of all Pennsylvanians by supporting good stewardship and sustainable development initiatives across our commonwealth.

Type of Support


The Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Program (AMDATP) is designed to support projects that tackle the environmental degradation caused by abandoned mine drainage (AMD) in Pennsylvania. The program's broad goals include the reclamation of abandoned mine wells, construction and maintenance of AMD treatment sites, establishment of trust funds for ongoing maintenance, and water quality monitoring to assess the impact of AMD remediation. Specific causes supported by this grant include the reduction of stream impairment and improving water quality across impacted areas. The program offers grants up to $1,000,000 with a minimum requirement for applicants to contribute at least 15% of the total project cost as a match.


Organization's Location
adipisicing ea
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 1M


Visit Apply for more information.