ECF Shaping Tomorrow Grants

From Erie Community Foundation

The Erie Community Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for all in Erie County through community leadership, funding initiatives, and encouraging philanthropy. Together with the William & Ethel Hovis Fund, it focuses on supporting underserved communities by promoting well-being through outdoor activities, athletics, and educational programs.

Type of Support


The Shaping Tomorrow grant program supports nonprofit projects that enhance their capacity to serve the community, with grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000. It prioritizes initiatives that address key indicators through data-driven approaches, solutions, and best practices. Projects should be inclusive, established, involve multiple partnerships, and demonstrate creative collaboration and sustainability strategies. While matching funds are not mandatory, the Foundation values strong financial planning and contributions to the decision-making process.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Erie County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Located within Erie County or demonstrate service to a majority of the population in Erie County
  • May receive funding one time per grant program in a 12-month period
  • Grants range from $50,000 to $500,000
  • Matching funds are encouraged, but not required
  • Funds for third-party evaluation can be included in the request


Scholarship Funds
Fundraising Events
Deficit Reduction
Annual Operating Costs
Endowment Campaigns
Sectarian Religious Activities
Reimbursements for Expenses Already Incurred
50k – 250k


Review Criteria

Projects that align with Erie Vital Signs or other major recognized indicators may be eligible for multi-year funding, with preference granted to such initiatives.

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