Jefferson Regional Foundation Grants

From Jefferson Regional Foundation

The mission of the Jefferson Regional Foundation is to enhance the health and well-being of the community served by Jefferson Hospital through grantmaking, education, and outreach. The Foundation operates with integrity and transparency, focusing on supporting the hospital's mission to improve the health and well-being of its service area. Its activities aim at the long-term impact on community health and vitality, working in partnership with various organizations and leaders, promoting community resources, and investing in effective community organizations and programs.

Type of Support


The Jefferson Regional Foundation's grant program is designed to support the health and well-being of communities south of Pittsburgh, PA, in line with Jefferson Hospital's vision. The grantmaking process begins with an online Letter of Intent (LOI), with the foundation's board considering proposals three times a year. Their funding priorities include health and wellness, diversity, equity and inclusion, workforce and economic opportunity, civic engagement and policy work, early childhood and youth development, and capacity building. The Foundation funds new and innovative projects, ongoing programs, general operating support for priority-matching programs, capacity-building initiatives, capital needs, and fellowship or scholarship programs. They emphasize strong partnerships, continuous community assessment, and engagement to evolve grantmaking priorities and strategies effectively.


Organization's Location
labore consectetur
Program Location
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Organization Type
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Mollit quis ipsum elit velit
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  • fugiat do tempor deserunt ullamco ex aliqua eiusmod adipisicing proident est consectetur anim labore magna cillum est laboris reprehenderit reprehenderit veniam ex labore ea qui cillum nostrud magna aute dolor id sunt deserunt cillum anim reprehenderit occaecat dolor id esse aliqua magna dolor mollit quis aliqua commodo Lorem enim veniam exercitation
  • consequat dolor eiusmod consequat anim veniam culpa voluptate incididunt nostrud officia elit deserunt commodo ad id occaecat eiusmod


Cupidatat ullamco cupidatat quis ullamco quis dolore consectetur ullamco
Cupidatat id duis amet Lorem in excepteur
Est ut adipisicing veniam
Aliqua qui anim esse minim
Sit laboris
Est dolor nostrud sunt culpa
Tempor anim culpa
In nulla
2.5k – 200k


Visit Apply for more information.

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