DSF Charitable Foundation: Education Grant

    The DSF Charitable Foundation is the charitable-giving body of the David Scaife family, with a focus on promoting excellence across three main areas: health, human services, and education. Their initiatives are primarily targeted toward bettering the community in southwestern Pennsylvania, with a strong focus on Pittsburgh where the Foundation is headquartered.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by the DSF Charitable Foundation is designed to fund projects that align with its core interests in health, human services, and education, mainly within Southwestern Pennsylvania. Initial grant inquiries should be concise, including programmatic and financial information about the applicant organization, and should highlight the project needing funding. These inquiries are to be submitted through a letter, either by email or postal mail, signed by the organization's executive director or an authorized representative.


    Organization's Location
    mollit non
    Program Location
    dolor fugiat dolore magna ad magna adipisicing reprehenderit cupidatat adipisicing
    Organization Type
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    Sunt enim sit laboris laboris duis labore aliqua labore aliquip quis
    • et aliquip duis dolore proident
    • reprehenderit consectetur nisi cupidatat minim incididunt id in duis aute
    • consequat cillum pariatur nisi non tempor Lorem irure nostrud Lorem incididunt id ad voluptate aute sit qui irure officia consequat


    Voluptate dolore excepteur
    not specified


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