The Steinman Foundation Grant

The Steinman Foundation, in carrying forward the vision of James Hale Steinman and John Frederick Steinman, seeks to improve the quality of life in the communities that comprise Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Type of Support


The Steinman Foundation believes that the diversity of the Lancaster County community is a fundamental strength. Only through intentional integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion as values and practices can philanthropic and charitable endeavors ensure substantive change in our community.

The Steinman Foundation’s grant-making currently highlights three strategic program areas: Early Childhood Education, Economic and Workforce Development, and Community Journalism and Media Literacy.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Lancaster County)
Organization Type

The Foundation may award grants for specific programs or for general operating support, with priority typically being given to programmatic opportunities, rather than general support. Priority is also given to collaborative programs that engage multiple partner organizations.


For-profit entities


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Required Attachments
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
Review Criteria
  • How does your proposal fit within the priority areas of, and advance the mission of, The Steinman Foundation?
  • How is your work responsive to demographic and cultural changes in the community?
  • How does your thinking about diversity, equity, and inclusion inform how you develop and implement programs?
  • The Steinman Foundation gives priority to specific programs, sustainable solutions, and collaborative efforts.

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