Education and Leadership Impact Grant

From BLBB Charitable

BLBB Charitable supports initiatives that help people discover their true and full potential through education and leadership opportunities. They believe that when given the skills and opportunities, people are more capable than they think to push themselves forward and succeed.

Type of Support


BLBB Charitable will consider requests for operating support, project support, and capacity building (including sustainability and strategic planning, program planning and growth, leadership or professional development, or staff training) in only the following areas:

  • Economic Self-Sufficiency
  • Youth Development & Leadership: programs focused on youth ages middle through high school that provide academic enrichment, character & leadership development, or opportunities, experiences, and deep connections that let youth thrive
  • K-12 Private Schools (focus on K-8th grade, teacher professional development, or broad-based educational projects that can impact more than one single school)
  • College Access & Post-secondary Opportunities
  • Local Environmental Education


Organization's Location
est reprehenderit
Program Location
velit est occaecat ut velit et cupidatat eiusmod in ullamco
Organization Type


Occaecat ullamco sunt sint ea commodo velit ullamco minim enim exercitation nostrud ea sunt ut qui nulla Lorem exercitation enim velit cupidatat occaecat eiusmod in ullamco minim aute sunt labore in nisi magna laborum est ex sunt commodo aliqua sunt cupidatat nostrud cillum Lorem ipsum aliqua excepteur reprehenderit dolor non irure veniam Lorem sunt sit veniam
not specified


Step 1: do sint Lorem
Application deadline
Dec 18, 2024
Step 2: nulla do (consequat qui)
Required Attachments
deserunt commodo incididunt
incididunt exercitation

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