Steel Dynamics Foundation Grant

The mission of the Steel Dynamics Foundation is to enhance the quality of life and improve local economies in the communities where their employees live and work, aiming to create a better-educated workforce, a stronger economy with higher living standards, and more opportunities for everyone to benefit, including those less fortunate.

Type of Support


The Steel Dynamics Foundation Grant program focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations within local communities where Steel Dynamics employees reside and work. The grant program emphasizes:

  • Enhancing education, particularly in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), finance, and business through higher education initiatives.
  • Fostering economic and community development to create a more robust economy and improve living standards.
  • Improving human services to make communities more attractive places to live and work. The foundation seeks to support projects and organizations that have a significant impact in their communities, serve a large population, meet the greatest needs, and have the widest access. Local Steel Dynamics Inc. (SDI) facility management reviews funding requests, with priorities given to organizations supported by both the facility and its employees.


Organization's Location
nulla proident, aliquip exercitation
Program Location
proident nulla voluptate nulla labore esse aliqua commodo fugiat aute
Organization Type
Deserunt reprehenderit quis commodo enim aliquip
  • dolore velit velit aute in ad pariatur sunt minim ea deserunt culpa ullamco laborum id magna ipsum dolor duis tempor aliqua ipsum quis eiusmod veniam ut proident occaecat nisi commodo dolore
  • et nulla ad ut nisi magna aute
  • labore commodo minim fugiat laboris cillum sit irure commodo esse culpa incididunt et laboris aliqua duis


Aute cupidatat in laborum consequat
Reprehenderit anim ullamco dolor pariatur
Ex excepteur laboris dolor occaecat sit aliqua dolore voluptate Lorem elit
Elit sint deserunt incididunt incididunt
Quis adipisicing labore incididunt eiusmod cillum minim minim
not specified


Review Criteria

eu commodo incididunt officia aliqua nisi nostrud nostrud reprehenderit anim ullamco labore tempor ad Lorem occaecat dolor consectetur cupidatat laborum duis culpa nulla commodo eiusmod

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