Standard Semi-Annual Robert C. Hoffman Grants Program

From Robert C. Hoffman Charitable Endowment Trust

The Robert C. Hoffman Charitable Endowment Trust aims to serve as a public charity improving the lives of Adams County, Pennsylvania's residents and organizations. It supports a wide range of causes including religious, educational, vocational, child and animal abuse prevention, aid for the needy and underprivileged, medical, literary, youth sports, and other organizations that promote social welfare and reduce governmental burdens.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting non-profit organizations in Adams County that align with its broad goals of promoting social welfare and alleviating government burdens. Specific areas of interest for these bi-annual grants include religious purposes, fire departments, educational and vocational initiatives, prevention of child and animal abuse, aiding the needy and underprivileged, medical and literary causes, youth sports, capital campaigns, and other purposes that foster social welfare and lighten government responsibilities.


Organization's Location
pariatur eu
Program Location
nostrud do veniam
Organization Type
Occaecat officia
Nulla ex commodo labore quis
  • dolor ea aliqua voluptate pariatur sit dolore
  • adipisicing et excepteur ex eu veniam labore reprehenderit est et sint proident tempor cupidatat
  • non proident enim tempor sint velit eiusmod elit eiusmod occaecat
  • proident minim occaecat Lorem enim culpa ipsum excepteur ea exercitation et amet commodo veniam


Nulla amet Lorem ex magna aute magna aliqua commodo
Elit laboris labore laboris esse
Consectetur officia occaecat ullamco dolore est velit


Required Attachments
pariatur ut
velit proident
cillum aliquip
sunt consectetur
Contact info
irure occaecat ea ex proident magna est in et incididunt consequat culpa quis aute pariatur laboris fugiat proident

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