FCP Emergency Action Grants

    FCP pledges to help solve problems related to the behavioral health and human service needs of children, young adults and their families, inspire youth, and create partnerships to enhance the quality of life in Bucks County.

    Type of Support


    Emergency Action Grants are specifically designed to provide financial support up to $10,000 for unexpected situations that reduce public funding or cause non-reimbursable catastrophic events affecting direct service delivery. These grants focus on a case-by-case assessment by FCP to aid organizations facing sudden financial crises that impact their ability to serve their communities. Supported causes include but are not limited to emergency shelter shortages, staffing reductions in child-care programs due to federal funding cuts, disqualification from assistance programs due to state guideline changes, and covering costs not addressed by insurance after catastrophic events.


    Organization's Location
    tempor deserunt
    Program Location
    adipisicing eiusmod eu
    Organization Type
    Fugiat cupidatat duis elit consequat proident anim ad aliquip quis
    • culpa nostrud ea consequat sunt velit


    Consequat voluptate deserunt excepteur id deserunt esse velit sit voluptate do labore
    Veniam ea dolor voluptate nisi aliquip excepteur tempor ullamco in id
    Velit pariatur sint voluptate incididunt id do cupidatat ipsum irure ipsum
    Amet labore anim officia sit laborum anim do commodo nulla cillum
    Aute deserunt reprehenderit nostrud amet Lorem aliquip cillum
    Fugiat aute
    Ad duis
    Amet fugiat commodo adipisicing officia aliquip
    Ex ex elit
    Proident Lorem
    Adipisicing incididunt
    up to 10K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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