Fund for Women & Girls Grant

    From Princeton Area Community Foundation

    The Bunbury Fund’s mission is to strengthen the ability of nonprofit organizations to do their best work, specifically through capacity building efforts. This includes support that allows organizations to deliver their missions with greater confidence. The Fund emphasizes the importance of identifying capacity building needs by the staff and board of the organization itself, aiming for sustainable and effective organizational operations and growth. The Bunbury Fund values building meaningful, evolving, and transparent relationships with the organizations it supports, fostering collaboration with regional organizations to enhance the nonprofit sector's effectiveness.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to boost the potential of women and girls in greater Mercer County. It operates through the Princeton Area Community Foundation and encompasses a wide array of support categories, including early childhood education, childcare, women and children’s physical and mental health, leadership and mentoring, educational programs for middle and high school girls, workforce development for women, domestic violence prevention, and parenting/family support services. The Fund for Women and Girls (FWG) endorses projects that embody diversity, equity, and inclusion, offering both program/project-specific and operating expense grants, and under certain criteria, may invest in capital projects or provide multi-year funding.


    Organization's Location
    ipsum in
    Program Location
    qui labore minim nisi qui sunt sunt aliqua ea irure
    Organization Type
    Dolor do nisi cillum tempor veniam
    Aute magna proident dolor consequat incididunt
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    Proident nulla exercitation nulla id nisi in magna magna culpa magna exercitation voluptate
    Officia do est cupidatat consectetur amet
    up to 25K


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