Taking Flight Award

From Citizens United For Research In Epilepsy

CURE Epilepsy's mission is to cure epilepsy, transforming and saving millions of lives. They aim for a world without epilepsy where no person's life is limited by seizures.

Type of Support


The investigator-initiated grant programs initiated by CURE Epilepsy are designed to support highly innovative and risky research projects that have the potential to fundamentally alter the understanding or treatment of epilepsy. These grants, particularly the Taking Flight Award, focus on empowering early-career investigators to establish themselves independently and pursue novel research directions. The emphasis is on projects that align with the mission to cure epilepsy, prioritizing revolutionary approaches with the potential to completely prevent seizures and eliminate side effects.


Organization's Location
Lorem fugiat
Program Location
Organization Type
Ex veniam eu velit consectetur in amet aliqua dolor aute
Amet aute id laborum reprehenderit laboris aliquip magna ad amet quis veniam eu excepteur magna exercitation
Id ullamco quis ea aliqua elit Lorem cupidatat eu officia duis
Nostrud fugiat in enim duis elit proident exercitation laborum veniam

commodo non esse deserunt reprehenderit elit nulla incididunt ad adipisicing quis est mollit minim velit tempor ad et

up to 125k


Step 1: id sit labore
Application deadline
Dec 22, 2024
Step 2: consequat consequat (ut magna)