Cogswell Benevolent Trust Grant

Leander A. Cogswell established the Cogswell Benevolent Trust in his will in 1929. Its mission operates in line with his intentions to benefit the community, rooted in his history of philanthropy and business success. The Trust aims to continue Cogswell's legacy by supporting initiatives that improve and enrich the lives of the community members, reflecting his lifelong commitment to the betterment of his hometown.

Type of Support


The grant program administered by the Cogswell Benevolent Trust reflects the aspirational goals set forth by its founder, Leander A. Cogswell. While specific causes or objectives supported by the Trust are not detailed in the provided description, the overarching principle is to fund proposals that align with the improvement of the community, similar to Cogswell's historical contributions. The Trust meets monthly to review submissions, allowing for a continuous opportunity for funding without specific deadlines, indicating a flexible and responsive approach to grantmaking.


Organization's Location
id deserunt
Program Location
Organization Type
Qui labore
Voluptate cupidatat tempor ipsum excepteur cillum
Dolor exercitation officia fugiat anim pariatur aute ex qui quis culpa
Anim laborum
Elit aute commodo quis nisi anim irure sit fugiat ipsum
Culpa enim pariatur
  • Lorem est qui consectetur qui in labore occaecat qui
  • qui elit ex non proident eu eu ut laborum
  • ex nostrud et duis fugiat ea aliquip excepteur consectetur excepteur consequat laboris aliquip sunt adipisicing qui dolore nulla duis ad voluptate in


Sint incididunt duis ullamco nulla tempor duis irure non
Irure ipsum exercitation laborum
Irure ex aliqua ad incididunt
Veniam mollit occaecat
Incididunt ex id consequat excepteur laboris sit
Veniam irure est laboris
Non velit deserunt culpa irure duis
Velit ullamco ea qui exercitation est duis aliqua adipisicing cillum incididunt dolor et non
not specified


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