College Spark Washington: Education Equity Fund

The mission of College Spark focuses on improving educational outcomes for all by addressing the deep-rooted issues of racism and inequality in the educational system. They aim to challenge the status quo and support community-driven changes to foster inclusivity and equal opportunities for students of color. Recognizing the diversity of community needs, College Spark encourages innovative approaches to education that ensure every student feels valued and sees a potential-filled future.

Type of Support


The Education Equity Fund by College Spark seeks to dismantle barriers to equity in education within Washington state, inviting educational institutions and nonprofit organizations to submit letters of interest. The grant supports projects in several focus areas: Alternatives to Exclusionary Discipline in High School, addressing policies that disproportionately affect students of color; Placement at Community and Technical Colleges, aimed at reducing opportunity gaps; Community Centered Decision-Making, promoting equal partnerships in educational decision-making; Culturally Responsive Curriculum and Pedagogy, incorporating anti-racist materials into education; and Anti-Racist Leadership Development, building the capacity of educational leaders to apply anti-racist principles. These initiatives are tailored to create an equitable educational environment that respects the diversity and potential of every student.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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