Fish and Wildlife Resources Fund Grant Program

From Colorado Department of Natural Resources (CO DNR)

It’s our mission to manage and conserve Colorado’s natural resources for the benefit of people today – and tomorrow. That means we have to balance development with conservation so the state we all love provides similar opportunities for our children and their children. Our diverse agencies work together to meet the recreational and resource needs of the public.

Type of Support


The Fish and Wildlife Resources Fund grants support efforts to mitigate impacts of existing water diversion, delivery, or storage facilities to help preserve or improve the natural environment. Funded initiatives include the appropriation or acquisition of water rights in compliance with instream flow rules and state water laws, river restoration feasibility studies and construction projects to mitigate environmental impacts of water facilities, and combinations of river restoration and water rights actions. The grants are specifically directed towards projects that assist in the administration of compact-entitled waters, address compact-related issues, facilitate the resolution of federal water rights issues, support the recovery of threatened or endangered wildlife species, or conserve existing wildlife species within riparian ecosystems. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the Board to discuss project eligibility, funding amounts, and limitations.


Organization's Location
laboris dolore
Program Location
Organization Type
Cillum amet laboris excepteur commodo aliquip excepteur fugiat aute eu
  • sit minim excepteur dolore aliqua in aute incididunt tempor esse adipisicing
not specified


Review Criteria

nostrud magna veniam exercitation tempor aute veniam dolore exercitation ea laboris duis anim nulla