Building and Bridging Connections Funding

The mission of the Colorado Health Foundation is to improve the health of Coloradans. It operates on three cornerstones: serving Coloradans with less power, privilege, and income, especially prioritizing those of color; being informed by the community it aims to serve; and focusing all efforts towards creating health equity.

Type of Support


The Building and Bridging Connections funding supports strengthening social capital and community-building efforts aimed at health challenges and advancing health equity. It funds projects that build trust, dialogue, and collective action within communities, especially among people of color and marginalized groups. This includes creating connections, amplifying less-heard voices, and connecting different community segments. The focus is on communities historically left out, such as those of color, immigrant and refugee communities, and LGBTQ+ communities, among others, aligning with the Foundation’s cornerstones. Grants range from $25,000 to $90,000 for projects 12 to 24 months long.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Community-based organizations
Local public agencies
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Focused on low-income individuals and historically marginalized groups
  • Must adhere to the Foundation's cornerstones, emphasizing health equity and racial justice
  • Serve a specific, defined geographic community, such as a local community, neighborhood, township, or municipality
  • Community selected must include historically marginalized groups, such as communities of color, immigrant and refugee communities, people living with disabilities, and LGBTQ communities
  • There must be an existing relationship and understanding between the organization and the community
  • The proposed program or project must be developed with input and support from the community it serves
  • Evidence of ongoing community engagement and flexibility to modify the project based on community feedback is required
  • Demonstrates a collaboration between the organization and the community that fosters trust, leverages networks, and addresses challenges together


Organizations or groups seeking to enter a community for the first time
Organizations or groups that have not demonstrated active and intentional connection to parts of the community.
25k – 90k


Review Criteria

Proposals that closely align with the core principles of the Foundation and actively incorporate the insights and contributions of people from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives will be given precedence.