CFSC: Programmatic Grants

From Community Foundation of Sarasota County

The Community Foundation of Sarasota County aims to empower and achieve successful educational and developmental outcomes across the community. It focuses on closing the achievement gap and supports initiatives that allow students to achieve reading proficiency by the 3rd grade while also backing whole-family focused programs.

Type of Support


Programmatic Grants are designed to support organizations and initiatives that provide crucial access to education, health care, and basic human services, particularly for groups facing systemic barriers. This grant seeks to fund projects that actively work towards equity, with a priority on initiatives that dismantle obstacles in health care, education, or human services access. Typical grants awarded in this cycle are around $25,000, subject to vary based on the project's need and how well it aligns with the funder's objectives.


Organization's Location
dolore duis
Program Location
est eu sint sunt excepteur dolor quis velit id
Organization Type
Deserunt dolor labore officia aliquip cillum
  • est nostrud aliqua laborum eu ea quis nostrud cillum
  • consectetur do nisi nostrud laborum mollit enim eiusmod ut ut proident cillum exercitation reprehenderit anim nulla dolor
  • irure occaecat tempor sunt anim tempor occaecat aliquip dolore ea


Review Criteria

sint est eu nostrud adipisicing laborum Lorem adipisicing nostrud in sunt velit adipisicing magna ea aliqua ex ex ea ex

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