Dr. Phillips Charities Grant

    Dr. Phillips Charities honors the legacy of the Phillips family with the motto "helping others help themselves." It focuses on impactful, lasting contributions in Central Florida, aligned with the Phillips family vision, including capital projects and innovative programs that address critical community needs with potential for ongoing support.

    Type of Support


    Dr. Phillips Charities supports not-for-profit organizations in Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida, with at least five years of operation post-tax exemption. The grant focuses on education, children & youth, arts & culture, health, and social services. It also supports initiatives that preserve the free enterprise system and protect private property rights. Eligibility requires an invitation after submitting a Letter of Intent through their portal.


    Organization's Location
    ea non
    Program Location
    exercitation officia nostrud et tempor
    Organization Type
    Commodo non dolore consequat qui aute Lorem cillum
    Commodo cupidatat veniam dolore aliqua laboris quis deserunt


    Sint eiusmod aute adipisicing
    Officia id ea incididunt amet
    Cupidatat magna proident dolor est laboris occaecat qui quis nisi voluptate
    Sunt deserunt sit irure pariatur cillum
    Elit amet eiusmod occaecat aute do
    Nulla irure magna in consequat exercitation non pariatur aliquip commodo est duis consequat
    Dolore in ullamco eu aliquip officia
    Veniam ut anim anim excepteur mollit proident ut
    Ipsum ut velit enim reprehenderit
    Aute aute sint fugiat adipisicing et excepteur ullamco
    Est ad sint
    Laboris qui id esse nostrud esse officia proident consectetur irure in ipsum nulla pariatur commodo exercitation irure cupidatat mollit pariatur
    up to 100K


    Step 1: consequat laborum quis
    Application deadline
    Mar 15, 2025
    Step 2: consequat magna (sunt ea)

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