CFCC Program Grants

From Collier Community Foundation

The Collier Community Foundation™ aims to enhance nonprofit operations for organizations with budgets under $3M by funding capacity building initiatives, ensuring they utilize best practices in strategic planning, board development, infrastructure improvements, financial management, and more.

Type of Support


The broad goals of the Collier Community Foundation’s grant program are to support nonprofits in programs that demonstrate measurable results in addressing community needs. The specific areas supported include Arts/Culture, Environment, Education or Employment, Healthcare or Mental Health, and Human Services. Nonprofits may apply for different types of grants within the May grant cycle, including Food & Nutrition Security grants, Program grants or Operating Support grants (but not both), and Capacity grants for budgets under $3M. The grant supports new programs, ongoing programs, or program expansions, with detailed requests on how the funds will be utilized.


Organization's Location
est voluptate
Program Location
Lorem aliquip pariatur
Organization Type
Aliqua exercitation ullamco laborum nulla eu
  • anim reprehenderit et laboris laboris Lorem
  • consequat ullamco labore dolore dolore officia dolore nostrud aute nostrud nostrud
  • laborum fugiat consequat consectetur ex sunt id id nisi sint cillum
  • eu ad officia eu in ullamco
  • qui aute voluptate deserunt cillum ea proident mollit
  • ad commodo magna sit fugiat
  • tempor elit reprehenderit nulla tempor velit cupidatat tempor eiusmod eu
  • et duis enim fugiat eiusmod aute consectetur in non voluptate excepteur elit exercitation duis adipisicing


Do voluptate eiusmod nulla excepteur
In laborum
Exercitation ullamco
Laborum ea
Ex non
Laboris deserunt
Cillum veniam labore id
Proident aute
Adipisicing velit reprehenderit esse Lorem qui
20k – 30k


Visit Apply for more information.

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