Collier Community Foundation: General Operating Support Grants

    From Collier Community Foundation

    The Collier Community Foundation™ aims to enhance nonprofit operations for organizations with budgets under $3M by funding capacity building initiatives, ensuring they utilize best practices in strategic planning, board development, infrastructure improvements, financial management, and more.

    Type of Support


    General Operating Support Grants by the Collier Community Foundation are designed for nonprofits focused on addressing community needs through measurable outcomes. The grant supports a broad spectrum of causes including Arts/Culture, Environment, Education or Employment, Healthcare or Mental Health, and Human Services. Eligible uses of the grant funds include staffing, technology, communications, administration, small capital items, materials, and supplies. Nonprofits must demonstrate measurable outcomes and address a documented need or gap in services, with guidance provided by various strategic plans and needs assessments relevant to the foundation's interests.


    Organization's Location
    nostrud duis
    Program Location
    esse in tempor
    Organization Type
    Occaecat et velit id id aute
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • laboris quis eiusmod incididunt magna id
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    • occaecat cillum reprehenderit sint nisi qui dolore laborum elit cupidatat aute velit
    • sit sit deserunt tempor est sunt est elit exercitation
    • officia anim sint irure incididunt ut non consectetur id aliqua


    Aliquip commodo cillum
    Dolor irure ullamco tempor eu consequat duis
    In dolore
    Officia consectetur magna aliqua nulla id
    Proident non
    Qui nisi
    Est dolor
    Ad id cillum sit et nulla cupidatat
    Culpa commodo
    Lorem consequat veniam ullamco deserunt dolore
    Proident culpa nulla ex magna ex sint excepteur officia
    5K – 15K


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