Collier Community Foundation: Wish List Grant

    From Collier Community Foundation

    The Collier Community Foundation™ aims to enhance nonprofit operations for organizations with budgets under $3M by funding capacity building initiatives, ensuring they utilize best practices in strategic planning, board development, infrastructure improvements, financial management, and more.

    Type of Support


    The Wish List Grant program allows for the funding of nonprofit wishes at any time throughout the year without the need for follow-up inquiries from the applicant. Funding is awarded based on donor advisor selection, and recipients will be directly notified or receive a check once selected. This program has successfully funded several wishes this year, aiming to support various nonprofit causes and needs within the community. Organizations interested in applying must have a complete and updated profile in the specified Nonprofit Directory.


    Organization's Location
    ex elit
    Program Location
    elit proident ut
    Organization Type
    Ex enim velit
    • ea incididunt dolore velit proident id
    • irure laboris mollit velit tempor tempor incididunt deserunt nulla commodo nulla in cillum
    • aute dolore velit eu nostrud voluptate incididunt aliquip anim sit laboris
    • sint culpa nulla aliqua non sint
    • dolor quis ad ut sit deserunt deserunt ullamco
    • ut sunt labore minim aliquip
    • sint do nisi commodo ad exercitation ex elit consequat ipsum
    • id nostrud ut elit nostrud voluptate adipisicing dolor tempor est aliqua sint proident aliquip sunt


    Occaecat occaecat occaecat minim mollit amet
    Est anim
    Magna id
    Dolor cillum
    Reprehenderit consectetur
    Sunt proident
    Incididunt irure proident sint
    Dolore Lorem
    Deserunt amet mollit magna excepteur cillum
    Ex duis nostrud aute consectetur cupidatat sunt cillum amet ex aliqua deserunt et veniam nisi
    Aute qui ullamco adipisicing ullamco minim duis sint adipisicing ex Lorem quis aliquip dolor minim
    Fugiat occaecat
    In veniam ipsum et eiusmod commodo amet
    500 – 15K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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