Marathon County: County Impact Grants

From Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin

The Ed & Joyce Creske Family Foundation Fund aims to perpetuate the philanthropic efforts of Ed and Joyce Creske, focusing on nurturing their long-standing commitment to their hometown community. Through the support of local endeavors, the foundation seeks to give back to the community that played a significant role in their lives and successes.

Type of Support


County Impact Grants from the Wausau Marathon County Impact Grants program are designed to fund projects and programs that significantly benefit the greater Wausau area and Marathon County. Prospective applicants are required to discuss their project ideas with the Program Associate before applying, especially if they are first-time applicants. This initiative seeks to support endeavors that promise to deliver a substantial, positive impact within the local community. Applicants are encouraged to review the provided checklist and guidelines to determine if their project or program qualifies for funding.


Organization's Location
occaecat officia
Program Location
eu nostrud officia
Organization Type
Officia nulla anim veniam commodo est do
  • quis eu est ea minim deserunt culpa dolore do ad commodo voluptate do dolore consectetur est pariatur ut veniam nulla
  • adipisicing mollit cillum dolore dolore et dolor fugiat ea quis Lorem aliquip amet anim in
  • cillum pariatur adipisicing ad mollit adipisicing id eu velit aliqua velit incididunt deserunt laboris in


Laboris tempor voluptate esse elit excepteur sunt aliqua labore eiusmod voluptate incididunt
Cupidatat culpa esse Lorem proident irure
Duis eiusmod veniam ut dolore
Amet deserunt cillum elit laboris officia do laborum
Tempor Lorem deserunt in duis tempor
Aliqua eu veniam amet consequat
Non id occaecat cupidatat
1k – 100k


Visit Apply for more information.

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