Community Matters Grant Programs

Bader Philanthropies aims to support families with compassion, creativity, and the latest knowledge, striving to make Wisconsin a leader in viewing aging. The mission focuses on helping older adults safely age in place, connecting them with technology to maintain relationships, and providing educational opportunities for caregivers, professionals, and students.

Type of Support


The grant supports organizations that aim to provide opportunities for individuals to gather, learn, and share, thereby enhancing community strength. The program values the role of dedicated and creative individuals in driving community efforts and ensuring they fulfill a vital purpose. The current Community Matters strategies are focused on addressing pressing issues and adopting an Outward Mindset. Success metrics for supported initiatives include the number of individuals served, quantity of material resources donated, and evidence of mindset change. Organizations interested in applying for this grant must go through a preliminary application process, with responses communicated within three weeks.


Organization's Location
enim quis
Program Location
adipisicing non minim reprehenderit in ad exercitation laborum enim
Organization Type
Reprehenderit adipisicing pariatur minim et id
Dolor adipisicing
  • nostrud est veniam irure Lorem in culpa incididunt minim


Aliqua duis laboris in
up to 250k


Step 1: elit sint
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: incididunt exercitation (quis proident)

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