Mini-Grant Cycle

From M&M Area Community Foundation

The M&M Area Community Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for individuals in the Marinette and Menominee counties through charitable giving. Focused on supporting a variety of causes, the Foundation funds projects and programs that contribute to the community's well-being and development.

Type of Support


The Mini-Grant Program is designed to support non-profit organizations within Marinette and Menominee Counties by providing up to $750 for the development of new, short-term projects or programs. This grant focuses on helping entities with annual operating budgets of less than $300,000 to kickstart innovative initiatives that do not cover everyday supplies or staff compensation. The application and reporting processes have been simplified to facilitate swift funding decisions, aiming for a turnaround of about two weeks. Eligible organizations can receive one mini-grant per calendar year, with a requirement to submit a photo and a brief narrative of the completed project to demonstrate its success. However, foundations are not eligible to receive grants through this program.


Organization's Location
culpa qui
Program Location
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Organization Type
Commodo officia id dolor
Adipisicing dolore quis consectetur laboris officia minim excepteur
Aute enim Lorem Lorem elit qui quis
Mollit ea
  • occaecat do quis Lorem pariatur nostrud do


Tempor irure commodo
Laborum laborum
Deserunt ipsum laborum ad incididunt ad nostrud
up to 750


Visit Apply for more information.